Career Fields With a Doctor of Pharmacy

November 17, 2014

Receiving a Doctor of Pharmacy degree provides graduates opportunities in a number of career fields. The job type that first comes to mind may be the role of the local pharmacist at a retail store or community pharmacy. While this is a very important position, there are many other options for you as well.

1. Retail

The importance of retail pharmacists in the medical profession cannot be stressed enough. They are on the front lines of today’s healthcare system and play a critical role in patient care. Retail pharmacists can provide patient counseling to assist in creating a proper treatment plan. They also offer checks and balances between doctors and other healthcare professionals to ensure patients receive the right medication in the correct dosage, especially for patients seeing more than one care provider.

2. Hospital

You may be interested in a position working with patients who require medication while still in the hospital. This job has a vital role in day-to-day patient care. Hospital pharmacists are more likely to interact with a very sick patient population who require more specialized types of medications. Some of these patients may need medication for cardiovascular, pediatric, neurological and psychiatric ailments as well as infectious diseases.

3. Research & Development

R&D is another area that provides many employment opportunities for individuals with Doctor of Pharmacy degrees. This field involves everything from the synthesis and formulation of drugs to packaging and quality control. Pharmaceutical manufacturers often proactively recruit pharmacy graduates for these positions.

4. Governmental Agencies

Working at a government agency is also an option for Doctor of Pharmacy graduates. The FDA (Food & Drug Administration), National Institutes of Health and VA (Veterans Administration) all need qualified pharmacists at their hospitals and clinics.

5. Pharmacy Education

Pharmacy schools need graduates of pharmacy programs to help develop curriculum for pharmaceutical programs. In addition to those opportunities, you may also want to consider pursuing a career teaching new students.

A Doctor of Pharmacy degree can open many doors for graduates. These five professions are just a few examples.